Milfapalooza – A Change of Mind
Cammer with 6 years of experience with an upcoming novel, Twisted Tales.

@milfapalooza has answered our question: Craziest sex industry experience! 


With over 20 years of experience in the sex industry, Milfapalooza has PLENTY of crazy sex industry stories.

One in particular stands out…

During a birthday celebration on cam, a gentleman came along with a request. After feeling almost disappointed at the lack of weird requests and normalcy in her room, she was finally given a treat!

Sorry not sorry, tooting in some latex may not have been something she was willing to do previously…but Milfapalooza is open for business now! It’s incredible how things that may have disgusted or surprised us at the start of a camming career are now staple things we are willing to do!

Check out the video, BELOW!