Color and Arousal
Cammer with 6 years of experience with an upcoming novel, Twisted Tales.

let’s get some sex education about colors and how they influence arousal.

  Sure, we all have colors we prefer and gravitate towards. But did you know that our bodies can actually have a physical reaction to some colors? Perhaps it’s time to redo the bedroom walls.

get the blood flowing

In previous posts we learned how food can be used to arouse our partner (HERE) and how certain scents can get you in the mood (HERE). But how does color come into play? It seems that colors not only stimulate the mind but also the body. Color is light and energy, reacting with our bodies to produce reactions. Including stimulation. In fact, studies have shown that RED is the most stimulating color sexually. Red has been known to raise blood pressure and get you more ‘in the mood’. Blue on the other hand, produces a calming and serene effect.

50 shades of…no?

It seems that on the other end of the color spectrum, grey was surveyed as the least arousing color. Green coming in second to last. Despite many people painting their dungeons in such a delightfully dark shade, please keep in mind it may be less than arousing for your guest. I’m off to find some fire engine red for my bedroom!