What Does Cum Taste Like?
Cammer with 6 years of experience with an upcoming novel, Twisted Tales.

Let’s get some sex education regarding the taste of cum!


I’ve been asked so many times what cum tastes like during my time camming. I first recommend that you give yourself a try. If you still find yourself wondering, let’s go on this cum tasting, sex education journey together.

You have no idea how much control you really have when it comes to the taste of your sperm.

Taste Manipulation

The first thing to know about your man spunk? The taste can change depending on your health and what you ate recently. Cum does not always taste the same to those enjoying yours and even changes depending on the taste buds of your partners. Even if your diet has stayed the same. Taste can even vary based on where it is being tasted. (The front of the tongue vs the back of your throat.)

Things like coffee, alcohol, cigarettes, greasy foods, some cheeses, and drugs make cum taste bitter. Foods with high sulfur content also assist with that salty and bitter taste. Fear not! There are also foods that you can eat to assist with making cum a delicious delicacy! Pineapple juice and cinnamon have been described as the best foods to make the taste of cum sweeter. Healthy foods in general will help alleviate the bitter or salty taste of cum. The best test? Give it a taste yourself! If you can’t handle what it tastes like, it is hard to expect others to.

Healthy Foods

Did I say healthy foods assist with the taste of cum? That may be true BUT steer clear from these foods in particular: Spinach, broccoli, asparagus, garlic, and onions. These healthy yums can give cum a very sharp and unpleasant taste. It’s good to have a healthy diet…but perhaps lay off these foods before planning a hot date. Besides, most people aren’t interested in the strong scent of garlic and onions on your breath or body, anyway.

Dive on in, tiger!

So maybe you are a bit scared to taste yourself, or perhaps it’s not something you’ve even thought about. I highly recommend giving your sperm a taste after you orgasm! It will give you better insight about what your partner is tasting. Keep note of what you ate ahead of time if it’s not to your liking!

Don’t be afraid, give it a swallow!

Always remember, communication is key when presenting new things to your partner. If this is something you are trying for the first time, I recommend first exploring each other’s bodies. The more turned on you both are, the better each experience will be! (Click here for information about Karezza, a beautiful and fun partner experience!)