Revenge Porn
Cordelia Michaelson
Sassmaster whose life revolves around horses and crime shows.

Revenge porn can happen to anyone. Get some sex education with Cordelia about this terrible act.


Morning folks! I’m back but this time with some more sex law based blogs. This will be a theme for the next couple blogs because this is my niche and there’s some really important information that I think a lot of folks are unaware of.

So what is revenge porn?

Revenge porn is a cybercrime and classifies as any kind of revealing or sexual in nature photos or videos that get posted on the internet. (specifically the internet. That said, sending nudes or sexually graphic videos of someone without their permission through text messages/emails/messengers/etc can still be illegal!) These images or videos are posted without the person’s consent and is typically done with the intention to embarrass or harass them.   

Why is revenge porn such a bad thing?

Well, for starters, it causes genuine distress for the victim. Another important thing that people don’t understand is that images and videos like this can destroy someone’s career. You can get someone fired for distributing these images. So not only are you creating emotional distress, now you’re harming them financially. For younger folks, they can potentially be forced to change schools because of bullying and there have been numerous cases where victims have committed suicide over these images.

Did you know?

Revenge porn IS considered to be a type of domestic abuse. These images can be used to blackmail a victim into something. Two examples of that would be staying in a relationship (You stay or I release the photos) or a very common one is using these images during custody battles. Believe it or not, sex traffickers sometimes use images like that to keep victims in their clutches too.

Who does it affect?  What are the facts?

Victims of revenge porn are both female and male of all ages. However, the vast majority of revenge porn victims are young females (Roughly 1.7x more likely). According to a 2017 study done in the US, 1 out of every 8 people (specifically those that use social media) were victims of revenge porn. Also something to note, it’s not just people that are victimized by former partners. A lot of these videos and images actually come from rapes or sexual assualts and the victims never sent the photos in the first place.

Is Revenge porn a federal or state law?

Both, actually. State law applies to crimes committed within state lines, federal goes after crimes that happen across one or more state lines. State law is also far more limited than state law can be. At a federal level, a victim can go after websites that host these images.

What are the charges?

It depends on your state. Revenge porn can be a misdemeanor or it can go all the way up to a felony. A lot of it depends on the content and age of the victim as well. Some states require a fine, some you will get jail time, you might be convicted of child porn, some require registration on the sex offender list. It really depends on your state. I highly encourage you to research revenge porn law in your state.

What states currently have laws that protect victims of revenge porn?


Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey,  New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia, Virginia, Washington and Wisconsin.


^ These are the states that currently have laws that protect victims.

What if my state doesn’t?

You can still file various charges and/or sue.

A take down order or a restraining order are two things you can ask for. Disorderly conduct and distributing and possessing child pron are another two.

You can also sue the offending party for stalking/harassment, invasion of privacy, defamation, misappropriation, copyright infringement.

You can also consider writing or calling your local representative and ask them to consider getting involved to help create a law in your state to protect these victims.

If you believe you’ve been a victim of revenge porn…

I strongly encourage you guys to reach out to your local law enforcement and then a lawyer. A criminal lawyer can tell you if they’ve broken any laws and a personal injury lawyer can tell you if you can sue for lost wages if you’ve been fired because of revenge porn.

You can also visit this nifty list of resources –

As always guys, be safe, know your rights, don’t infringe on anyone elses.

To contact Cordelia:

Email: || Twitter: CMichaelsonblog

Check out Cordelia’s other article about Crazy Sex Laws HERE!