Sex and Your Period

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Freya is here with some sex education about having sex on your period…and how it may be a good thing.



From a young age, women learn that their monthly cycle is something to be ashamed of. Whether this is by our mothers telling us so directly or from things we see and hear in society, we grow up believing our lives must all but cease during our periods.

As sexually active adults, we feel anything but sexy during this time, especially with all the symptoms we experience. We feel bloated, irritable, crampy and tired. The last thing we want to do is masturbate or have sex.

Our mothers were wrong!:

Let’s face it. We really do feel horny during our period. We just put it out of our minds because we feel like its disgusting to touch blood from our vaginas. And if we feel that way, surely our partner(s) will too! How could they not? Am I right?

We all know that masturbation and sex heighten our mood. It makes us feel sexy, powerful, relieves stress, and we can conquer our day with a smile on our face. That being said, aren’t these also all the things we desperately need during our period? We need to feel happy, sexy, powerful and stress free.

Trust me. There are so many good reasons for you to have sex during your period! There are way more pros thank you think. And, there are nearly no real cons.

Don’t be a pussy! Play with your pussy!:

Here are all the reasons you SHOULD get it on.

It relieves cramps! Seriously, ladies, there is no better way to relieve menstrual cramping than having a good strong orgasm (but why stop at one?) Orgasm literally releases the same chemicals into your brain that are released after consuming cocaine, chocolate, caffeine, and nicotine. Maybe this is where the term “cum drunk” comes from.

It isn’t really messy.

We all get scared that we will stain the sheets or that it will get on our fingers. Even worse, it could get on our man’s dick. Don’t worry though. Lay down a towel or a blanket and get your freak on. If his dick gets bloody, he can just wash it off.

Surprisingly, getting busy on your period is that sex can actually shorten it. Orgasm causes your cervix to contract, and those contractions make lining and blood come out faster. It can actually shorten your period by one or two days.

Finally, there is no better reason to have sexy time on your period than this. Do it to end the stigma that it’s nasty. It is not at all nasty. Our period is the very life force of humankind. It is beautiful, and completely natural.

Now you want to try it, don’t you?

Now you are curious. Could these things actually be true? I bet you are even looking forward to Aunt Flow’s monthly visit now. Next month when she visits, find some quiet time and test my theories. I bet you’ll be pleasantly surprised…hopefully repeatedly!