Cammer with 6 years of experience with an upcoming novel, Twisted Tales.

Let’s get some sex education about how exercise assists with your sex life! 

  We talked a little bit about what working out can do to your perception of others in this episode of Open Bobs BB. But what else can change in your sex life with a workout?
Let’s start with what we know. When we feel good about ourselves we exhibit confidence. Confidence is sexy and can lead the way for future relationships and endeavors. When our body is well taken care of we feel happier, more energetic, and are more apt to check in with our more sexual sides. No matter what your workout does for you, the health benefits will help with your sexual confidence in the long run…and life. Check out some things you may not know about exercise and sex, below!

Sexual Performance

Studies have shown that women who exercise more frequently are able to achieve orgasms faster and with more intensity. It was also reported by a study in 1990 for the Archives of Sexual Behavior that men reported a higher level of sexual satisfaction. This was after adopting a workout regime of 60 minutes of exercise a day 3-5 times a week.  Not only does exercise increase your strength and endurance in the bedroom but it can also help you physically achieve more positions! 
So we know working out increases arousal levels, stamina, mental and physical health, and helps with weight loss and injury. Where can you go wrong? TOO MUCH! Please keep in mind that working out too much can be harmful for your body. You should not exercise simply to help with sexual stamina. Set different goals such as strength goals and flexibility goals to keep yourself well rounded. Do NOT forget to eat well and stay hydrated. Pay attention to your body and when it tells you enough is enough!