Different Types of Orgasms
Cordelia Michaelson
Sassmaster whose life revolves around horses and crime shows.

Cordelia is here with some sex education about different kinds of orgasms women can have! 


So many different types of orgasms can a woman have? Some sites say five, some say six or seven, a couple say up to twelve. I’m going to focus on six of them because a handful of them seemed a little eh to me with not much information to prove they’re actually orgasms.

clitoral and vaginal

We’ll start with the two most common – clitoral and vaginal. The clitoral is from direct stimulation. It can be achieved from solo play or with a partner and it’s typically a short, explosive orgasm. A vaginal orgasm happens from g-spot stimulation and believe it or not, a lot of women cannot get to orgasm through sexual intercourse and g-spot stimulation. This is actually really common and if you’re one of those women? You. Are. Not. Alone.

The third type of orgasm is a combination of both of these and it’s usually referred to as a ‘blended’ orgasm. Typically, they last anywhere from one minute, all the way up to fifteen minutes. These orgasms are far more powerful/explosive but they definitely take a lot more work to get there.


Another type of orgasm is a coregasm. These are brought on by exercise and while pleasurable, they’re not super intense.

Nipple stimulation

You can also orgasm from breast/nipple stimulation. Apparently, stimulation of the nipples affects the genital sensory cortex in the brain the same way a g-spot or clitoral orgasm would. Meaning, it’s no different than vaginal or clitoral stimulation. It may be difficult to achieve orgasm this way but it really can happen!

Anal orgasms!

Yes, believe it or not, some women say their strongest orgasms are from anal sex. I wrote a blog a few weeks back on how to approach anal if you’re new to it (find it here) so check it out if you’re interested in learning more. The epithelial cell layer as well as the tight anal muscles are what bring on the pleasure. I can confirm these orgasms can be super intense.

You guys should explore the others as well and see what you think!

To reach Cordelia

Cordeliamichaelson@gmail.com || Twitter: CMichaelsonblog