The Taste of Breast Milk
Cammer with 6 years of experience with an upcoming novel, Twisted Tales.

Let’s get some sex education about the unique taste of breast milk. 


Never having children of my own, my breasts had never produced milk. I was curious what the taste was like and my friends and I would always joke about our husbands taking ‘shots of milk’ when we had babies some day. But have you ever actually tried it? Wondered what it tastes like?

What is breast milk made of?

First, let’s investigate what breast milk is compiled of. Two forms of milk are made by mothers and they can both vary in flavor. Colostrum is a yellow milk that is high in salt, protein, vitamin A and white blood cells. This milk is far less sugary than its counterpart.

Mature milk is compiled mainly of fat, protein, carbs, minerals and amino acids. This milk tastes sweeter than Colostrum but it’s good to keep in mind that all breast milk can taste differently based on diet and health of the woman producing.

My experience:

I was camming with a friend who was producing breast milk. After receiving a custom with the request that I taste it, I was finally able to answer this question for myself. I had imagined my exploration would come at a future time…tasting my own in the privacy of my bedroom much like some men might taste their own cum. The taste was nutty and reminded me of almond milk. Sweet and delicious! Perhaps not something I would pour into a glass and have a lot of…but not unpleasant!

The consensus:

Those who have reported tasting breast milk say it’s nutty and sweet. Some people have even reported the milk tasting like sugar water, cucumbers or honey! So, give it a taste and don’t be shy. It seems the group consensus is…YUM!