Smells That Will Increase Arousal – A Bedroom Guide


Sex Educator, Author, and Host of Open Bobs BB

Some Smells Set the mood

We know exercise and food can change the way you see those around you and arouse you, but what else naturally helps the process? 

It’s important to know that everyone is different and some smells will be more appealing to you than others. Still, whether you go to the source or find a similarly-scented candle, it’s time to set the mood! 

Relaxing Scents

Many scientists have conducted investigations into scents and how we react to them, whether it’s a calming response, an energetic one, or otherwise. We see it all the time in marketing as we walk by the ‘lavender dreams’ candles and ‘energize’ citrus scents. In the end, these investigations found that some smells help with your natural arousal.

Put down the perfume and colognes! You can find a lot of things in your pantry that will assist with getting in the mood. There’s an incredibly positive natural response to these pleasant notes and many can even help get the blood flowing.

Olfactophilia (also known as osmolagnia, osphresiolagnia, and ozolagnia) is a paraphiliawhere an individual derives sexual pleasure from smells and odours. – Psychology Today

Give some of these a try if you enjoy lighter, more feminine smells:

– Lavender: It soothes and relaxes the body and mind. This effect can help you feel more confident and sensual and get you in the mood for a more intimate affair. 

– Jasmine: Many claim Jasmine is one of the strongest aphrodisiacs and is a sweet smell that isn’t overwhelming.

– Vanilla: Vanilla is a comforting smell that works to relax the body and bring comfort. What better way to prepare for some pleasure? 

More Scents to Try

Studies have shown that men appear to have the most reaction sexually when smelling doughnuts, oranges, pumpkin pie, licorice, and cinnamon buns! It’s also shown that musky scents can enhance healthy libidos in both men and women! This scent replicates the smell of testosterone and is part of the reason you are attracted to the smell of your partner after they sweat (but not too much!).

Grab Some Food, It’s Time to Play! 

Did you know the scent of buttery popcorn enhances male arousal by ten percent? Or that almonds create a sexual response in women? In the universe of aphrodisiacs, your brain is on high alert for scents. Sense of smell has always been an important part of animal mating behavior.

Once you smell something you like, your brain will register it and send a response to your limbic brain, the part that helps influence emotions and feelings. It affects you so much more than something that simply comes and goes. Smells stay in your body and your mind!

Next time your partner comes over, light up a lavender candle and get some doughnuts and popcorn at the ready! It’s time to play with your food.