Sex Related Allergies

Cordelia Michaelson
Sassmaster whose life revolves around horses and crime shows.

Aside from semen allergies, there are several other allergic reactions that can happen during sexual intercourse. The thing about sex related allergic reactions is they’re not widely reported.

One of the main reasons for that is because a lot of people are too embarrassed to bring it to the attention of their doctors. The other reason is because some people may not know they’re having a mild reaction to something. Because heavy breathing, sweating, flushed skin, slight tingles, and increased heart rates are also caused by sexual activity, it could mask the symptoms of a mild allergic reaction.

Mild reactions can include:

– Fever

– Flushed skin

– Tingling skin

– Itchy skin

– Labored breathing

– Sweating

– Nausea

– Increased heart rate

– Burning

– Rash

Severe reactions can include:

– Hives

– Difficulty breathing

– Anaphylaxis

Latex allergies are one of the most common sex related allergies. They’re caused by being exposed to latex condoms or sex toys (Yes, some toys are made of latex so it’s important to read what your toys are made of!) Latex allergies can affect both male and female parties. An allergic reaction to latex can happen as soon as seconds to minutes after being exposed to latex. You can also contract contact dermatitis which can happen up to hours after being exposed. This could be as severe as skin blistering or hives.

Latex allergies are pretty easy to diagnose.

A doctor can have you sent for a skin or blood test to look for the IgE antibodies. They can also do a patch test (touching latex to the skin) to see if a reaction occurs. Good news! Lambskin condoms are available for people who have latex allergies. They do not protect against STDs but they do protect against unwanted pregnancies. Polyurethane condoms, while expensive, are actually the best ones to use.

Lubricants and spermicide can also cause allergic reactions and occasionally people mistake those allergies to latex allergies. Like latex allergies, they can cause mild or severe reactions as well as contact dermatitis. Another thing to keep in mind about lubricants is if you have food allergies. Strawberry is a common food allergy and strawberry flavoring can be found in certain flavored lubes.

Another strange reaction to sexual activity is a condition called Gustatory rhinitis. It’s a non-allergic rhinitis and the symptoms include nasal congestion, sneezing, runny nose, water eyes. It’s usually caused by strong emotion or exercise.  It’s caused by the parasympathetic nerves being stimulated or the blood vessels in the nasal passages being dialated. This is also a pretty easy fix. A doctor can prescribe nasal ipratropium or bromide sprays to take an hour before sexual activity to prevent a reaction.