The Health Benefits of Kissing

Cordelia Michaelson

Sassmaster whose life revolves around horses and crime shows.

Cordelia is back with some sex education about kissing and the health benefits! 


Did you guys know it’s been scientifically proven that kissing has plethora of benefits for you and your health?

In today’s blog, I wanted to take the time to talk about some of them and why it’s so important for you, your health, and your partner to kiss one another! Who knew such a simple act was so important?

What does kissing do?

Kissing releases neurotransmitter hormones such as oxytocin, vasopressin, endogenous opioids, dopamine, as well as others. Oxytocin and Vasopressin are the two most familiar with people because oxytocin is often called the ‘love hormone’ and Vasopressin is what is released between bonded mothers/children and people in romantic relationships.

It also releases adrenaline and noradrenaline. A lot of people know these as the ‘fight or flight’ hormones but they’re not just for stressful situations, yes they will increasing your heart rate but they also make your more alert. Being more alert can help change your mindset over all and get you started/more productive for the day!

Another thing that rapid heartbeat can help with is lowering blood pressure. How is that possible you ask? It dilates the blood vessels in a healthy way, such a way that promotes good blood flow to vital organs.

The Health Benefits

There are a lot of genuine health benefits from kissing. Kissing reduces stress/stress levels which in turn, helps create a health mind and body. I know this sounds SO simple but there have been multiple studies run on this and kissing truly changes the psychological mind set as well contributes to positive effects on the physiological side of things.

If you’re interested in a great study on this, check out this one from 2009 called Affection Exchange Theory (Can be found in the Western Journal of Communication.) This particular study found that kissing helps lower cortisol, another hormone but one that is related to stress. That said, because kissing helps lower the levels of cortisol, it can also help lower your cholesterol as well as help improve allergy symptoms that are stirred up or caused by added stress. Crazy how much stress can effect our bodies, huh? But it’s even crazier that something so simple can help it.

Kissing might be able to help your teeth, too!  Kissing stimulates the salivary glands. While it sounds silly, that excess saliva can help you remove left of food bits between your teeth and reduce your potential for cavativies.  

Burn those calories! 

On top of that, kissing can burn a handful of calories. Consider it exercise! Nothing extensive like a full gym work out but burning up to 20 calories to lock lips with someone attractive? What can beat that? While on the topic of exercise from kissing, it can help tighten facial muscles that you otherwise couldn’t tighten without the help of a professional. How cool is that? These muscles are in the face, jaw, and neck… That said, I wonder how much we tighten up during a blow job? 

I learned a lot researching for this blog and loved some of the studies I stumbled across, I hope you check those out too. I also learned that I apparently need to kiss my boyfriend more!


@CMichaelsonblog ||