Introducing Camming to your Partner

Cammer with 6 years of experience with an upcoming novel, Twisted Tales.

Whether you’re starting a new relationship or want to bring camming into your existing one…


It’s incredibly important to understand that this subject isn’t always the best to bring up. Some people have preexisting notions about being a sex worker that may not compliment your thoughts or goals. 

But you should always tell your partner what you desire or are curious about. It’s simply a matter of how…

Bringing it up

If you are already an adult performer and are newly dating someone, obviously you must be curious what they think about your job of choice. That being said, the best way to find out is to ASK THEM! If you’re not comfortable just owning what you do and want to feel it out first, it doesn’t hurt to ask how they feel about the profession or others similar.

You can normally get a good read on how someone feels about sex work based on their reactions to sexually sensitive conversation, bringing up sex work, or how they speak of others. For instance, a dudebro that talks about how his friend’s ladies are ‘dirty whores’ will probably say such things about you. In that case, you know they aren’t the partner for you.


If you are already in a relationship…

and have heard of camming, you may be interested in starting up. I highly recommend watching web cams with your partner before bringing up the subject. See first hand what it’s like to entertain a room and what other solo and couple performers are doing. This may warm up the way for that discussion. It may also prove that it’s not something that is comfortable in your relationship.

In the end, your body, your choice. If you’re dating you can completely choose to turn down potential partners based on their feelings around the sex industry. It’s a completely valid reason. If you’re in a relationship you should feel comfortable approaching and discussing the subject.

The talk

Everyone navigates differently. I’m fairly certain you’ll be able to decide which of these methods will work best for you immediately. 

If you’re blunt and would rather get everything off your chest, just open your mouth and say it! “I am a sex worker” or “I am interested in starting web camming, how do you feel about that?” It may shock your date or partner to hear such things said so candidly but it’s finally off your chest and up for discussion. 

If you’re not interested in opening your mouth and spilling word vomit over your partner, I suggest slowly introducing the subject. Get in a comfortable space with your partner where sexual discussion has already taken place. You’re relaxed and open about your thoughts and desires. Don’t push this conversation in a heated arguement or on a day where you aren’t on the same page. 

Discussing anything about sex can be sensitive and you have to be open to a negative reaction from the other person. Be prepared to deal with such things if that arise the way you see fit. 

For help in starting sensitive discussions with your partner, check out this blog, HERE.