Auditioning at a Strip Club
Wisteria Dixon
Wisteria is a young writer and dancer with years of experience in the academic world as well as the sex industry.

Auditioning at a Strip Club isn’t an easy feat…

Auditions can be scary! If you’ve never been to a club, then it can be even more overwhelming. This blog will give you tips and some general knowledge on what to expect as a new dancer.

Choose your name!

First thing is choosing a stage name! Find something that falls off the tongue and is unique. Choose your number one option, but have a plan b too. If a club already has a dancer with your name, you’ll have to use another one.

Find clubs in your area

Search on Google for clubs in your area. Read reviews, visit websites, look at pictures. Call the clubs and ask when auditions are. Some clubs have drop-in auditions throughout the week and others will refer you to a booking line. Remember to ask what legal identification you need. You will always need your ID but some clubs require your social security card, and some places a work permit. Get a duffle bag and a lock for your locker. You will need a thong, a bikini or bra, and heels (required at a lot of clubs). If you have a couple sexy outfits bring them too. Baby wipes, deodorant, a hair brush, perfume, chapstick, hand sanitizer. All things that will save your life! Put the little things in a makeup bag to keep them organized. 

Get your ‘getup’!

Pleaser is one of the top brands for dancer shoes. I highly recommend shoes made for dancers as they are made to be worked in. Regular heels are not supportive and will break. Some prefer a boot vs a sandal, some prefer taller over shorter. For a beginner, I recommend 7 inch Pleasers as the heel to ball ratio is less steep than the 6 inch style. Start off with a cheaper pair, and then splurge more when you find out what you like. Do your hair and makeup, nails tidy. It isn’t necessary to have fake nails or eyelashes, but the most important thing is to look put together. No glitter! Take a shower, shave (optional but in my experience most customers prefer it), but DO NOT use lotion! Lotion will grease the pole making it not only dangerous for you but for other dancers. Accessorize in some way, have your own personal style. Stay away from rings and necklaces, but earrings, bracelets, and anklets are a great touch. 

Time to rock it! 

You’ve made it to the audition! Confidently tell them your name (stage name!) and that you’re here to audition. They will have you sign a contract before or after you audition. Normally it states the club is not liable if you get injured, you won’t do anything illegal, etc. They’ll take you to a dressing room to get ready, as you walk through look at the other dancers and see what they’re wearing. Wear whatever outfit you have that seems to fit the club setting and that you can move easily in. The dance part is scary! Use that energy! It’s not a requirement to know pole tricks, however they are beneficial. In some cities pole tricks are a must, but in others floorwork is more popular. The key is to be confident and seductive.

If you think you’re moving slow, move slower.

At a fully nude club, take your top off during the beginning of the first song, and your bottoms off during the second. If someone puts money on your stage, come over and give them some attention. Shake your butt in their face, chat for a second, introduce yourself, do a 5 second grind on their lap. Whatever you have time for, make them remember you! Next, you’ll find out if you’re hired. If not, that’s ok! You may be a talented dancer but maybe you just aren’t what they’re looking for. If hired, this is where you’ll go over scheduling, prices, fees, rules, etc. Don’t be afraid to ask questions!

Club Fees

Every club has fees. Some clubs will require you to give them all money earned until you pay them off, some you pay after your shift, and some will tack your fees onto next time if you can’t pay. You rent space at the club. There is always a house fee but they can add other fees like a drop in fee, late fee, leave early fee, weekend fees. Some clubs also take a fee from each private dance. In most states dancers are independent, they are not employees. No medical benefits, sick time, 401k, workers comp, and remember to save your own taxes! Congratulations and I hope you secure your bag! Remember, don’t let rude people get you down, and that goes for club staff as well as customers. You are beautiful and unique, never be ashamed of that! *This is general information from an Oregon dancer’s perspective. Some states may require things like double pairs of underwear, pasties, etc. Interested in what manners are needed at a strip club? Click on Wisteria’s other blog on the subject HERE