BDSM Food Porn

Cordelia Michaelson

Sassmaster whose life revolves around horses and crime shows.

Cordelia is here with some sex education about BDSM food porn! 


So I was scrolling through Facebook and stumbled across a video titled ‘BDSM food porn.’ it was a roughly two minute clip about a woman who was a self proclaimed professional dominatrix by day and a foodie by night. Huh, interesting, I thought I say clicked play and watched more.

A fetish we can get behind

The video then went on to talk about how she eventually ended up blending her two loves and started to turn her BDSM scenes from people, to food. This included hard core bondage on fruits and vegetables, toys, like floggers and whips, were also included in these scenes, and even exploding watermelons with rubber bands. The woman in the video talks a bit about safe words, mostly that they’re not needed with fruits and veggies and that this new fetish had actually turned her into a vegan. In her words, being a meat eater was being in a nonconsensual dietary relationship with her food. Her work focuses on the humiliation of food and then devouring it afterward.

This brought an all new outlook to domination for me and at first, I thought it was total bull (again, still new here.) and then I did some digging on food porn. Apparently, there is quite a bit of it out there, from sitting on food, rubbing it on your body, to using it as part of a sex act, or simply eating it. Food seems to be an incredibly big turn on and it’s not gender specific either.

The arousal stems from the humiliation of either eating the food or dominating the food.

It’s not exclusive to one shape of food either, it could be a sandwich, a cake, an apple, a banana, winter squashes, etc.

To me, this was certainly a newer fetish and not one I’ve heard of or had any experience with! It was an interesting learning experience to say the least! I heard of dom, findoms, etc but never a food dom!

For more about food and sex, check out this blog about foods that can make you aroused HERE.