Emotional Well-Being and the Holidays

Cammer with 6 years of experience with an upcoming novel, Twisted Tales.

The holidays can be hard for everyone, but for those in the sex industry, it can be even more so. 

Everyone has a different experience during the holidays, but for those who have to face judgmental family members and feeling inadequate during the holiday season, it can be a depressing and overwhelming time of the year. 

Especially with viewers and customers busy and strapped for cash, when family and work collide, it’s important to care for YOURSELF, first. 

Seasonal Camming 

For a lot of us, it’s incredibly difficult to not equate your own personal worth with how your business is faring. During this time of the year, much like Summer, viewers and customers are strapped for cash and busy with their own family events. During this slower season, it’s easy to be effected and emotionally drained. This is normal for all performers and must be acknowledged. It’s OKAY to feel sad that your goals are not being met, it’s OKAY to take a mental health day. It’s NOT okay to use the success of your show to decide your own mental health and happiness. Especially if you are seeing others finding success where you are not. (For a blog about Minding Your Hustle, click HERE.

For a blog about Seasonal Camming and the depression and sadness that can go hand-in-hand with the slow seasons, click HERE.

Family and Judgment

If you are someone who is not lucky enough to have a family that is both supportive and understanding of your life or job, you may find yourself faced with extreme anxiety at the mere thought of dealing with family. During this time of the season, it’s hard to avoid family and friends and if it’s an unhealthy experience for you it’s okay to remind yourself of several things. 

1.) You are enough. What they think does not impact your self worth or who you are. You. Are. Enough. 

2.) You cannot force others to understand or believe what you believe, you can only control your reaction to their words. If you are being put in a compromising situation. You. Can. Leave. Do not allow others to mistreat you just because they are family. 

3.) If you have found peace with yourself and your own self worth, the difficulty of others will not effect you as much. Although it’s hard to simply ‘ignore’ others and what they say or do to disrespect you, know, again, that it does not define who you are or your self worth. Only you can decide if you are less. 

During this hard time…

Always keep those who support you close, be sure to reach out if you are having a hard time and trust that those who love and care for you will be there for you. It’s OKAY to take a self care day or to refuse to see those who are toxic or harmful to your psyche or well-being. Nurture and love yourself even when others did not. 

Things will get better and you are not alone. 

If you ever feel or think of suicide, please call the suicide hotline at…
