Butt Masturbator Brunet Doggy Style Toy with Balls from AcmeJoy


YouTuber, Reviewer, Author, and Host of Open Bobs BB

A masturbator with some serious balls

The Butt Masturbator was a refreshing item to behold. We were so used to masturbating realistic body parts that only had vulvas and ass penetration, but this beautiful and hefty butt came with a pair of balls for those looking to penetrate those with penises! It was refreshing and delightful, not to mention pleasurable. 

Take a look HERE

$10 off discount code: TFM27

Special thanks to AcmeJoy for sponsoring this unbiased blog post! 

Realistic, heavy, and pleasurable

The AcmeJoy Realistic Masturbation Butt is a whopping 6.2 pounds, but still easily lifted in one hand. It was a bit refreshing from other masturbation toys we have reviewed in the past, which were borderline 20 pounds and obnoxious to store. This kept the toy compact enough for storage,  but still heavy enough to feel realistic and give it some gusto. It is made of TPE, so it’s soft and pliable. We could not resist giving the booty a little smack and seeing just how realistic it was. 

That being said, the most exciting part of this toy was the realistic and squishy balls beneath the penetrable asshole. It’s not often we get masturbators that have balls and we were ELATED! This provided options for those who are looking to penetrate those with a penis and aren’t interested in having a toy with a vulva. The balls were incredibly realistic and the toy soft. 

Beyond that, the asshole is ribbed for sensation during play. The entire toy is waterproof, making it easy to clean after use (we do recommend using a squirt bottle or douche to really flush it out). Overall, it was easy to use, incredibly soft and realistic, and offers a new (and much needed) look to the common body part masturbators. 

Final Thoughts

Kyle found this toy pleasurable, soft, and realistic to the touch. It’s important to add a little bit of cornstarch to the outside of the toy after cleaning to ensure it does not get oily, however. Overall, this is a fantastic toy for those who want something realistic, soft, and ribbed for a roleplay-like setting with someone who has a penis. 

For the FULL review and visual, watch the video below!